YTY ry’s board is chosen annually in the associations autumn meeting. Any student who is intrested in promoting the intrests of students and wants to influence the student community in positive way is eligble to join YTY ry’s board. To ensure the equal promotion of intresses of all students in the faculty of social sciences in the Tampere University regardless of their degree programme, YTY ry thrives to have students from all of the different student associations in the board if possible. All of the member associations of YTY ry have right to vote in the autumn meeting.
YTY’s fifth board (the board of 2023) was chosen in the association’s autumn meeting 7th December 2022. The actives chosen then were signed with their tasks in the formation meeting 9th January 2023. This year there will be a board of six members and seven officials supporting them. Feel free to contact the members especially regarding their own fields within the association.